I have been doing a lot of thinking and really feel that I need to work smarter not harder...hmmm, in actuality maybe do both! Why is it that I fear the phone so much and it weighs about 800 lbs when I go to make phone calls? I need to get overcome my fear and get moving - that is what is going to get my car!!! And we need a new car!!! I need to get organized!!!!
We are taking up the carpeting in the lower level and painting the floor and putting polyurethane on top...then getting an area rug to put down for my table...so much going on!!!
This was sent to me by my Adopted Director, Kathy Bendyk...written by Andrè Taylor:
"You're a Salesperson or a Business Owner.
You've got something you believe is quite marketable so you begin by telling everyone
you know what you do and what you have to offer.
This is a good thing to do.
It spreads the word about your expertise. You have marketing material to let others know
what you have to offer. You make sure lots of people have it.
You will make some progress. But that's not the way most will achieve success in selling. It is not the most effective.
That's because not everyone is a prospect for what you offer, no matter how well you have convinced yourself this is so.
You simply must define those most qualified to buy as the focus of your concentration. Until you have figured this out and you are targeting these people, companies, or organizations your success will be marginal.
In the early days of one of my entrepreneurial ventures we found ourselves operating in a
lucrative industry with many potential customers. But we didn't have a clearly defined
product or a clearly defined customer.
We had no shortage of ideas, but we became an idea company in search of a customer. One day we would approach one kind of customer and on another day we would approach another.
We were always chasing business, yet unsure of whom to chase and why. The worst thing about this is the perpetual doubt this creates in you and your efforts.
You never know whether you are targeting the right prospect. You are tentative and maybe distracted always looking for another or better prospect. You simply don't have the confidence to sustain a concentrated sales effort. That's a recipe for failure.
Who are your most lucrative potential clients? Do you have the right product or service to meet their needs? Do you have credibility with them? If not, how can this be gained?
One business owner I know went years failing to achieve success in business because he wasn't clear about who he was targeting.
Although he was aware that he needed a precise target to be effective in selling, over time he forgot about it.
Start asking the right questions about your target and then focus on your target and you'll start succeeding in bigger ways.
As always, my goal is to see you FLOURISH!"
I am really wanting to succeed and be a great Saleswoman who has a flourishing business!!!
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