Jim and I in Mary Kay's office!

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Mary Kay...A Real Job?

Mary Kay...A Real Job?
Shared by NSD Gloria Mayfield-Banks

Throughout my career I have seen many Consultants come and go because they felt they needed to find a “Real Job.” Why do people think that Mary Kay is NOT a “Real” job?

What classifies an opportunity as a “Real” job? Does getting a paycheck with the same number of dollars each pay period classify as a “Real” job? Does working 10-40+ hours, and still making the same amount of money classify?

How about getting up very early, taking a shower and leaving your house every day? What about putting your kids in daycare- does that make it a “Real” job? How about
having to schedule vacation time a year in advance? Or having to explain to your
supervisor why you need a day off? Maybe that is what makes it a “Real” job.

Maybe you need to be working for someone else, have to report to someone else and let
him or her decide when you deserve a raise. Let’s pretend for a moment. What if we apply “Real” job guidelines to your Mary Kay business? Just imagine if you devote 20 hours per week of complete and total focus to doing your Mary Kay job well? What if you set your own goal and always did today’s work today instead of waiting until you felt like it? Imagine the possibilities if you paid attention to profitability and actually took the steps necessary to promote yourself.

You owe it to yourself to make Mary Kay a “Real” job-even if it’s just part-time. Why would you give more time and commitment to someone else’s business than you
would your own? Do you really want to work for someone else forever? Wouldn’t you prefer to work 20 hours, but get paid like you worked 40 hours?

Would you like to be your own boss? Would you like to plan your own hours each week
to work within your family’s schedule? What if you could take an extra day off one
week, then work an extra two hours each day for the next week to make up for it? Do you have this type of freedom with your “Real” job?

If you feel like you have “tried Mary Kay” and it hasn’t worked for you, try asking
yourself a few questions:
* If someone with my MK work habits worked for me, would I continue to pay them or reward them?
* Am I consistent in my efforts?
* Do I make calls when I need to make them- no matter what?
* Do I place orders in a timely manner to keep the “store” stocked with the
hottest, most up-to-date products?
* Do I give great customer service-going over and above what the client
* Do I follow up on all leads and potential recruits quickly and
* Do I work with my Director on accountability and turn in my weekly
accomplishment sheets?
* Do I attend trainings, weekly meetings and events in my area?

If you have answered any of these questions with a “NO”, perhaps this is an opportunity to change your ways and make new goals for your business this month.

Make it a point to treat your Mary Kay business like a “Real” job-you will earn
REAL money, REAL cars, REAL prizes and see REAL changes in your life!

Want to make a REAL difference in the lives of women? I believe we can!

With a Mary Kay Career, what you make is up to you!

Monday, June 14, 2010

The Look Book

A new way to check out the new catalog - great new colors...great tips...check it out!!!


Win a Kitchenaid Mixer

Win a Kitchen Aid mixer!
Go to the following link at savingdinner.com and follow the instructions. Maybe, just maybe you'll be the winner!!!! WooHoo!!! http://savingdinner.com/contest

Thursday, May 13, 2010

When Offense Is Given

Unfortunately, I hurt someone recently that I care deeply about. Even though it was unintentional, it happened and for that I am truly remorseful. I am thankful that she brought it to my attention and we talked about it. I was definitely in the wrong.

Has this ever happened to you? It happened to me years ago when I took offense at what someone said in our Church Choir and I stopped going to choir because of it. Whenever I saw this sister in the halls at Church I went the other way. I just didn't associate with her. Well one day, the alto section leader called me and asked me why I wasn't coming to choir anymore and I ended up telling her what happened. She in turn called this sister, who also happened to be our choir director and explained to her what happened. This sister caught up to me in the bathroom one Sunday and sincerely apologized...she had NO idea she had even offended me. What a lesson to me! That is why I appreciate this person bringing to my attention that I had offended her.

Unless we let someone who has offended us know they have, sometimes they don't even know they had given offense. This has made me realize I need to be more careful in the future about what I do and say. I pray this person has forgiven me because I cherish her friendship.

Each day I learn and grow - I pray that I can have the pure love of Christ (charity) in my thoughts and actions and make me a better person.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Pearls of Wisdom

Follow the website to get more information about Mary Kay, including some of her Pearls of Wisdom: http://www.marykaytribute.com/WisdomAttitude.aspx

"Every failure, obstacle or hardship is an opportunity in disguise. Success in many cases is failure turned inside out. The greatest pollution problem we face today is negativity. Eliminate the negative attitude and believe you can do anything. Replace 'if I can, I hope, maybe' with 'I can, I will, I must.'" Mary Kay Ash

Common Questions about Starting a Mary Kay Business

1. How do I get started?
Discuss the details with your beauty consultant, then submit your
consultant agreement and purchase your starter kit, which includes all the
demonstration items and business-building sales tools you need to start
your business.

2. How is Mary Kay different from other direct-selling businesses?
To name just a few of the company’s numerous distinctions, Mary Kay:
* has the highest commissions structure of any direct sales company
* was founded on and still practices the concept of the "Golden Rule"
* does not test on animals
* holds the philosophy of “God first, Family second, Career third”
* has a product line that is consumable, making repeat business possible
* is neither a pyramid scheme nor a multi-level company — each consultant deals directly with the company, so there is no middleman;
and all commissions are paid directly out of Mary Kay’s corporate
profits, never out of anyone's pocket

3. How many hours do I have to work?
You are your own boss, so you make that decision based on your needs
and your schedule (anything from “working it around my job” to “replacing
my job”). There are no sales quotas in Mary Kay, so there is never any
pressure to sell. An "active" consultant is one who places a minimum
order every three (3) months. Remember, everyone's situation is
different, and you work your business the way you want.

4. How much will I make?
Consultants earn a 50% profit on sales, whether they’ve just started or
they’ve been in for years. In addition to profits from retail sales (from skin
care classes, facials, and reorders), you can earn prizes, the use of career
cars, personal team-building commissions, and director commissions as
you progress along the career path.

5. Where can I sell Mary Kay products?
Beauty consultants can have both customers and team members in any of
the 50 United States, Puerto Rico, the American Virgin Islands, and
Guam. There are no assigned territories, so your customers and team
members can still be part of your Mary Kay business even if you move to
another state. Directors can also expand to any of Mary Kay’s
international markets.

6. What if I don’t know anybody?
You are educated on how to develop customers and book classes as part
of your initial training. Your director and recruiter will work with you to help
you succeed. If don’t live near them, a local director will “adopt” you to
provide training, support, and guidance so you will never feel alone.

7. Do I have to recruit people?
Whether or not you decide to build your team is up to you. You will find,
however, that women will be drawn to the benefits of the Mary Kay
opportunity even without your urging. Your director and your recruiter will
help you mentor your team until you decide to promote yourself into
leadership. You can also earn a commission and bonuses from Mary Kay
based on your team’s activity.

8. What if I don’t know anything about skin care or makeup?
With the step-by-step education provided to consultants, you can become
an expert as quickly as you like. Even with just the materials in your
starter kit, you will be better-informed than many of the customers you will
meet. You also become more skilled and confident as you teach others,
meaning you can “learn while you earn.”

9. What if I don't know anything about selling?
Mary Kay consultants aren’t simply sales people; they actually teach and
service their customers. Our products “sell themselves” — when
customers try them, they want them. Consultants are provided with ongoing
education in skin care, cosmetics application, business operation,
and customer service. Every consultant has access to printed training
materials, DVDs, CDs, internet resources, and monthly and weekly
education, as well as regular motivational support.

10. What if I don't usually wear make-up?
That’s okay! Mary Kay is primarily a skin care company, and has been
the best-selling brand in the U.S. for 14 years in a row (as of 2008). Color
cosmetics, body care, sun care, and fragrances are collections that
complement our skin care line. Being a Mary Kay consultant is also a
great way to learn how to apply your own makeup with confidence.

11. Isn’t the market already saturated with Mary Kay consultants?
While Mary Kay is the best-selling brand of skin care and cosmetics, only
10% of the women in the U.S. use Mary Kay. And more and more
consultants are needed to keep up with all of the new customers being
generated by Mary Kay’s national media exposure.

12.What is the worst thing that could happen if I try doing Mary Kay?
The worst thing that could happen is that you spend $100 to get over $450
worth of products and supplies…because buying a starter kit is all a
beauty consultant is required to do. What you do with your starter kit and
your business is your decision. Five years from now, you will be in one of
two groups: either, “Man, I’m glad I did!” or “Boy, I wish I had!” You have
the opportunity to be your own boss, to set your own hours, and to meet a
lot of inspiring women — not to mention getting your own products at
wholesale instead of paying full retail like you’re doing right now.

Friday, April 30, 2010


I just have to talk about one of the new products Mary Kay has come out with...'TimeWise Body™ Hand and Décolleté Cream Sunscreen SPF 15*'! Oh...My...Gosh!!!! It is simply amazing! I've been using it for about 2 1/2 weeks on my neck, chest (decollete) area and hands and forearms. My neck was starting to kind of like a chicken neck - you know the crepiness that happens as you age (don't know how this happened because I'm only 29). Since using it, my hands don't look as aged as they were, my neck and chest area seems firmer...I had told Jim what I was doing and asked his opinion about 5 days ago... yesterday, as we were riding along, Jim looked over at me and then did a double take and says, "Whatever it is you are using on your neck and chest, is working!!!" That said so much to me...he could tell a difference!

You know whenever we try something, we want to see a difference, so I couldn't tell if it really was working or if it was all in my head...needless to say my husband made my day! I want to know a products works to totally endorse it and sell it to my customers. So you know if I say something works, it must...

Monday, April 26, 2010


This Is No Fairy Tale
Once upon a time, an attractive, ambitious woman went into a beautiful stoic that had a reputation for excellent quality merchandise. She said to the owner, "Sir, I would like to work for you, I will work really hard, I'll do a great job and in return I would like the following:
> For everything 1 sell, I want to keep 50% as my commission.

>I will find other sharp people to sell for you, but I want to a commission on everything they do- say 4%, 9% or 13%.

>I want to work my own hours so that sometimes I can work a lot and sometimes I can take a few days off.

> I would like absolute freedom.

>My family must always come first regardless of any other appointments.

>When I do well, I want ample recognition – not dumb things like turkeys and hams - I'm talking diamonds and furs.

"That is what I would tike. Can you give me these things?
The store owner was in shock. After he revived, he began to roar with condescending laughter. Then he said, "Lady you CANNOT be serious! You're living in a dream world. You can't find that opportunity anywhere!”

But little did he know there is an opportunity like that and we do have that opportunity in Mary Kay. We do live in a dream world and OUR DREAMS REALLY DO COME TRUE!

Mary Kay’s generosity to her sales force is absolutely unmatchable!

Recognize what a fabulous opportunity we have – SUCCESS AT OUR FINGERTIPS! GO FOR IT!! You have everything to gain and nothing to lose by trying! Your Starter Kit is tax deductible and Mary Kay has a 90% buyback guarantee. You can only win by trying Mary Kay!

Friday, March 26, 2010

Saleswoman or Business Owner???

I have been doing a lot of thinking and really feel that I need to work smarter not harder...hmmm, in actuality maybe do both! Why is it that I fear the phone so much and it weighs about 800 lbs when I go to make phone calls? I need to get overcome my fear and get moving - that is what is going to get my car!!! And we need a new car!!! I need to get organized!!!!

We are taking up the carpeting in the lower level and painting the floor and putting polyurethane on top...then getting an area rug to put down for my table...so much going on!!!

This was sent to me by my Adopted Director, Kathy Bendyk...written by Andrè Taylor:

"You're a Salesperson or a Business Owner.

You've got something you believe is quite marketable so you begin by telling everyone
you know what you do and what you have to offer.

This is a good thing to do.

It spreads the word about your expertise. You have marketing material to let others know
what you have to offer. You make sure lots of people have it.

You will make some progress. But that's not the way most will achieve success in selling. It is not the most effective.

That's because not everyone is a prospect for what you offer, no matter how well you have convinced yourself this is so.

You simply must define those most qualified to buy as the focus of your concentration. Until you have figured this out and you are targeting these people, companies, or organizations your success will be marginal.

In the early days of one of my entrepreneurial ventures we found ourselves operating in a
lucrative industry with many potential customers. But we didn't have a clearly defined
product or a clearly defined customer.

We had no shortage of ideas, but we became an idea company in search of a customer. One day we would approach one kind of customer and on another day we would approach another.

We were always chasing business, yet unsure of whom to chase and why. The worst thing about this is the perpetual doubt this creates in you and your efforts.

You never know whether you are targeting the right prospect. You are tentative and maybe distracted always looking for another or better prospect. You simply don't have the confidence to sustain a concentrated sales effort. That's a recipe for failure.

Who are your most lucrative potential clients? Do you have the right product or service to meet their needs? Do you have credibility with them? If not, how can this be gained?

One business owner I know went years failing to achieve success in business because he wasn't clear about who he was targeting.

Although he was aware that he needed a precise target to be effective in selling, over time he forgot about it.

Start asking the right questions about your target and then focus on your target and you'll start succeeding in bigger ways.

As always, my goal is to see you FLOURISH!"

I am really wanting to succeed and be a great Saleswoman who has a flourishing business!!!

Monday, March 1, 2010

Valentines Social

On Saturday we had our Valentines Social at Church...what fun it was!!! The dancing was so much fun and the socializing was great!!! Vicky Belsky was there...GREAT to see her!!! She's lost 90 lbs...get that 90!!! WOW!! She looked amazing!!!

WE had Church cut short yesterday because of sewer backup in the women's bathroom...came home made cupcakes for Amy and then visited Nance Miller Harper...She's doing really good...seems to be very happy...has put Cafe' LDS on her calendar...so maybe, just maybe they'll come...that would be great!

Jim called Jami last night and we are meeting her halfway so he can go up to Quincy and then I'll go up on March 10 for my Mary Kay meeting...that ought to be good...I know I need to make 5 contacts a day and call people and make appointments...I need to make that a goal...I also need to start using my 6 most important things to do list...ok now I know what I need to do - I need to do them, right!!!!

Friday, February 26, 2010

Great Meeting

Last night at our weekly Mary Kay Meeting we had a great time...it was our "Eyes" Cream Social!! I had 5 guests and one was a guy and I talked him into doing the skin care and now he wants to join...how exciting...he's 18 and cute as a button!!! The girl I invited is only 17 but in May turns 18 so we'll see then...in fact she incited 3 of her friends of which the Khyrie (the guy) is one. My other guest was Vanessa and she is sharp...was trying to get out of coming and I told her oh no you're coming!! She had a lot of fun and loved everything!!!
Anyway I won the pin enhancer!!! YESSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!! I was determined!!!

Thursday, February 25, 2010

New Day New Me

Today is a beautiful day!!! It's so gorgeous outside...cold but gorgeous! Think maybe we'll go for lunch and then I need to get ready for my Mary Kay meeting and our "Eyes"Cream Social!! I'm so excited about it...I have 4 guests coming tonight...and one is very sharp...who knows...maybe she'll see the value of having her own business! Wish me luck!

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

The Power of Positive Thinking

In the workbook, "And Then Some", it states "Abundant thinking keeps us focused on the possibilities - not the limitations! And in order to stay focused on possibilities, our internal words should match that mindset. Words such as "I can't" or "I''ll try" leave room for excuses and low expectations. BUT, words such as "I can" or "I will" set the stage for achievement, accomplishment - and abundant thinking. And what we think about we bring about"

I have been working on my self talk and building up my thoughts...I know that when I make an affirmation and say it everyday, it really helps. I have seen women achieve great things by achieving them one little goal at a time. And that is how it works...everything works...one step at a time.